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Rise up. Show up. Vote!
PEF members know what is at stake in this year’s general election. From the federal level on down to the local level, there are incumbents and candidates who are running to try and make a positive impact on the lives of workers everywhere.

As Election Day, Nov. 5, 2024, approaches, there is still time to make sure you are ready to do your part as a member of a labor union and your civic duty as an American.

As a PEF member, you can make sure that our current elected officials know what is important to you and your union. From workplace bullying to Artificial Intelligence, there are several bills the governor will consider before the end of the year.  Please send a letter to Governor Hochul today.

At both the national and state level, members can get involved by phone banking and door knocking with union siblings to support the election of leaders who share the values of organized labor.  The AFL-CIO has created a map of events happening across the nation, including here in New York.

As you’re gearing up for Election Day, don’t forget to check your own registration and confirm your polling place, if you plan to vote in person on Nov. 5. You can do that by visiting the New York State Board of Elections website. And if you or someone you know is not registered to vote, you can register to vote online in New York. In order to be eligible to vote on Nov. 5, you must register before Oct. 26. Early voting in New York State begins Oct. 26 and runs through Nov. 3.

No matter who you select on your ballot, PEF is committed to supporting candidates who enact laws and implement policies that make a change for the better in the lives of workers like you. Together, we can make a difference and work towards a better future for all.