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The PEF contract team, joined by President Wayne Spence, met virtually with state negotiators April 27 to resume bargaining on a successor agreement after the state postponed talks for more than a year due to COVID-19.

“We want to get this going as expeditiously as possible,” Spence said. “PEF members have been without a contract long enough and it is time to get down to business.”

“PEF presented arguments on a number of priority articles, including hazardous duty pay, across-the-board wage increases, retroactivity, telecommuting, and performance awards,” added PEF Contract Team Chair Darlene Williams. “We’re looking forward to getting into some hard bargaining with the state.”

Williams said both sides came to the table recognizing and respecting the hard work of PEF members during the pandemic.

“The atmosphere in the room was one of mutual respect,” Williams said. “We presented a video of Governor Cuomo making our case for us, praising essential workers for their efforts during the pandemic. PEF members are essential workers. We deserve a fair contract that respects our members’ sacrifices and hard work to keep New York running.”

The team will return to the main table next month and has several dates scheduled throughout May to move things along.​