These committees are established by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between New York State and PEF.

Article 9: Health Benefits
A joint PEF/NYS committee whose role is to work with appropriate state agencies to review and oversee the various health plans available to employees represented by PEF as well as numerous other roles as specified in Article 9.16 of the PEF/State Agreement.  PEF designees to the Committee report to the President.
Bernadette O’Connor – Chair, Region 11
Janette Clark, Region 9
Gina Corona, Region 4
Jakob Westman, Region 8
Erika Frazier, PEF staff

Article 10 – Work Life Services (EAP)
A joint PEF/NYS Committee whose role is to oversee all Article 10 programs and initiatives, including the Employee Assitance Program (EAP), the Dependent Care Advantage Account (DCAA) program, the Network Child Care Assistance Program and others.  Their work includes monitoring program activities statewide and reporting problems and concerns.  The committee also examines the operations of worksite and other child care centers and programs and family benefit issues.  PEF designees to the Work Life Services Advisory Board report to the President.
Conrad Davis — Chair, Region 11

Article 13: Workers’ Compensation
A joint PEF/NYS Committee whose purpose shall include reviewing and making recommendations on the following:  (1) the effects of the implementation of the administration of the Workers’ Compensation statutory benefit;  (2) the implementation of the Mandatory Alternate Duty Program;  (3) accident and injury data focusing on incidence of injuries or accidents in order to develop prevention strategies and means to reduce and/or eliminate the risk of on-the-job injury.  PEF designees to the Committee report to the President.
David Dubofsky – Chair, Region 5
Prakash Lal, Region 8
Vikky Urena, Region 11
Geraldine Stella, PEF Staff
Ed Aluck, PEF Staff

Article 14: Professional Development & Quality of Working Life
A joint PEF/NYS committee chaired by the PEF President which coordinates and oversees the activities of the issue-specific joint committees established pursuant to Articles 15, 18 and 22 of the NYS/PEF contract, as well as the Joint Committee on Nursing and Institutional Issues (Article 44) and the Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Issues (Article 46). This committee also undertakes professional development and/or quality of working life initiatives that are not within the sphere of any of the issue-specific joint committees. The President, Secretary Treasurer and Vice Presidents serve as the PEF designees to this committee.
Wayne Spence – President, Chair
Joe Donahue, Secretary-Treasurer
Sharon DeSilva, Vice President
Randi DiAntonio, Vice President
Darlene Williams, Vice President

Article 15: Professional Development
A joint PEF/NYS committee that reviews the needs for professional development and training programs to improve job performance and to assist employees in developing their full professional potential per Article 15 of the contract. PEF designees to the Committee report to the President
Vivian Falto – Chair, Region 11
Sabu Cherian, Region 9
Kim Loccisano, PEF Staff

Article 18: Health & Safety
A joint PEF/NYS whose role is to study and review matters of mutual concern in areas of health and safety. The committee shall serve as a forum in which PEF can advise the State of potential health or safety problems; advise on the development and implementation of State policy in all matters related to health and safety; serve as a means by which pro-active measures to improve health and safety at the worksite can be developed and implemented; and undertake initiatives in research, education and support of agency and local level health and safety committees. PEF designees to the Committee report to the President.
Leisa Abraham – Co-Chair, Region 3
Conrad Davis – Co-Chair, Region 11
Lindsay Bonanza, Region 6
Leticia Rivera, Region 8
Darlene Williams, ex oficio
Geraldine Stella, PEF Staff

Article 19: Parking
A joint PEF/NYS committee whose role is to meet and confer with the State concerning the adequacy or continuation of parking facilities operated by the Office of General Services in Albany, the need for additional parking facilities and distribution of parking privileges. The committee may negotiate fee modification. PEF designees to the Committee report to the President.
Danielle Bridger – Chair, Region 8
Karen Tully, Region 8
Maureen Kozakiewicz
Ed Aluck, PEF Staff

Article 22: Employment Security Committee
The PEF/NYS Employment Security Committee’s role includes, but is not limited to, studying and attempting to resolve matters relative to job security and redeployment of employees affected by contracting out. In addition, this committee is charged with developing anti-privatization initiatives including review of SEFA. Representatives of this committee meet with the State as necessary.
Paul Gendron — Chair, Region 5
Joseph Klein, Region 1
Albert Famularo, Region 11

Article 33 – Joint Committee on Pilot Programs
The Joint Committee on the Pilot Program for Virtual Article 33 Proceedings and Expedited Probable Cause Review is charged with addressing issues arising out of the implementation of these pilot programs.
Leisa Abraham – Chair, Region 3
Barbara Stransky, Region 7
Gabby Franklyn, Region 9

Article 36: Joint Affirmative Action Advisory Committee
The Joint State/PEF JAAAC shall develop appropriate recommendations on matters of mutual interest in the area of Equal Employment and Affirmative Action. The Committee reports to the President and its duties shall consist of:
1)  Review Affirmative Action complaints submitted to the committee by PEF members that would deprive them of their rights under State and/or Federal regulations;
2)  Study and collect information concerning development and changes in Affirmative Action policies of State facilities, agencies and departments;
3)  Submit reports, findings and recommendations to the PEF President.

For more about the work of the JAAAC and to learn how to file a discrimination claim, please read this Communicator story from May 2024.

Tamara Martin – Assistant Chair, Region 10
Gwendolyn Culpepper, Region 11
Bellew McManus, Region 10
Charles Roland – Retiree
Cheryl Wallace, Region 9
Ricardo Cruz, PEF Staff
Robert Wright, PEF Staff

Article 42 – Career Mobility Office (CMO) Advisory Board
The Advisory Board reviews activities of the CMO and provides feedback regarding the scope and utility of services delivered by the CMO.
Sharon DeSilva – Chair, Region 9
Jennifer Voelker, Region 1
Scott Staub, Region 5

Article 44: Joint Committee on Nursing and Institutional Issues
This committee will study and make recommendations on matters of mutual interest to the State and PEF with regard to problems and issues facing nurses and other professional employees in institutional settings.
Susan Billi – Chair, Region 12
Abdallahi Diop, Region 11
John Taverne, Region 6
Nora Higgins, PEF Staff

Article 46: Law Enforcement Committee
A joint PEF/NYS Committee whose purpose shall include studying and making recommendations on matters of mutual interest regarding problems and issues facing PS&T employees whose duties include law enforcement functions. PEF designees to the Committee report to the President.
Gina Lopez – Chair, Region 3
Dalila Vega, Region 10
Alec Zef, Region 11
Chris Leo, PEF Staff