PEF Toolkit for Leaders header image

PEF is a member-driven union.  Thank you for taking an active role.  Whether you are a steward, a division leader or serve on one of our statewide committees, this page is where you’ll find various documents, forms and other materials to help you conduct the work of the union.


Click to download the PEF Steward Handbook

Stewards are often a union members’ first point of contact when they have a problem at work.  They must be familiar with the contract and the various articles in it that outline the processes which protect the rights of PEF members on the job. Please click here to visit our Stewards’ page, which will require you to sign in with your Membership Identification Number to view various training documents. If you do not know your MIN, please contact Membership Information Services at

The union conducts steward trainings throughout the year on a variety of topics. Currently, the trainings are offered virtually and stewards will be invited via their personal email addresses to sign up and attend.  Here are the dates planned this year:

  • July 17: Many Roles of a Steward
  • Aug. 21: Health and Safety
  • Oct. 23: Membership Engagement
  • Nov. 20: Understanding the Grievance Procedure
  • Dec. 18: Know Your Contract