• State lawmakers, leaders, and union presidents offer thanks to PEF

    State lawmakers, leaders, and union presidents offer thanks to PEF

    At the 44th Annual PEF Convention, held Oct. 23-26, 2022, in Niagara Falls, elected U.S. officials, union leaders and members of the State Assembly and Senate recorded greetings for all PEF...

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  • October Communicator: A Step in the Right Direction

    October Communicator: A Step in the Right Direction

    The October issue is now available at: Communicator.PEF.org.

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  • Carried-over vacation accruals: Use or lose in 2022!

    Carried-over vacation accruals: Use or lose in 2022!

    Employees with carried-over vacation accruals must use those accruals by December 31, 2022, or they will be forfeited. Employees may have banks of both carried-over vacation accruals and regular non-carried-over...

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  • Good news for parkers at SUNY Upstate

    Good news for parkers at SUNY Upstate

    PEF has negotiated an agreement with SUNY Upstate to waive the automatic 1% parking fee for all registered parkers in the main lots from Oct. 5, 2022 – Oct. 5,...

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  • The Communicator: September 2022

    The Communicator: September 2022

    Celebrating Labor in Advance of PEF’s Annual Convention. View the entire September issue online now.

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  • Civil Service FAQs

    Civil Service FAQs

    For members attending the Sept. 13 training, click here for the FAQ that was referenced during the Zoom call.

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  • Hundreds march in annual Albany Labor Parade

    Hundreds march in annual Albany Labor Parade

    It was a warm day and evening as hundreds of PEF and other union members marched through the streets of downtown Albany on September 9 in the city’s annual Labor...

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  • Do I need to fill out a Health Care Workforce Bonus form?

    Do I need to fill out a Health Care Workforce Bonus form?

    PEF members who are eligible for the Health Care Workforce Bonus signed into law by the governor have asked whether they need to fill out a form to claim...

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  • Ailing members need your leave donations

    Ailing members need your leave donations

    Donations are made from annual leave and donors must retain at least 10 days of annual leave after donating. To donate leave, obtain a leave-donation form from your personnel or...

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