• PEF statement on budget deal

    PEF statement on budget deal

    From PEF President Wayne Spence on April 28, 2023 — “PEF has been following the budget negotiation process closely and is pleased that the Governor and the Legislature have reached...

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  • Happy Easter

    Happy Easter

    Warmest wishes for a joyful and blessed Easter Sunday!

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  • Happy Passover

    Happy Passover

    To all who celebrate, we hope you have a prosperous Passover surrounded by loved ones. Chag Pesach Sameach!

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  • April Communicator

    April Communicator

    The April issue of the PEF Communicator is now available. Contract updates, Fund Our Future campaign wins, Women’s History Month highlights, member engagement and more stories! Click here to...

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  • FAQ about March 14 snow emergency

    FAQ about March 14 snow emergency

    Please click here for a memo from PEF Contract Administration answering frequently asked questions about Tuesday’s storm and how the governor’s state of emergency in certain counties governs the...

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  • PEF budget analysis

    PEF budget analysis

    The PEF Legislative Department has completed its preliminary analysis of Gov Hochul’s executive budget proposal released on Feb. 1. This document summarizes PEF’s position on the items in the...

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  • Communicator: Work Begins on Solving  the Budget Puzzle

    Communicator: Work Begins on Solving the Budget Puzzle

    PEF hits the ground running to analyze what the union supports and what needs improvement in the governor’s FY 2024 Executive Budget. Read the entire February issue here.

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  • Student Debt Clinics offered by AFT

    Student Debt Clinics offered by AFT

    PEF members can register for Student Debt Clinics conducted by AFT using this link:  https://cvent.me/17XZka.  

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  • PEF statement on Gov. Hochul’s State of the State address

    PEF statement on Gov. Hochul’s State of the State address

    PEF President Wayne Spence attended the State of the State address by New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Jan. 10, 2023, and issued this statement following the speech: “Governor Hochul...

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