Field Services

PEF Field Services is staffed by a director and two regional directors plus more than 25 field representatives based across the state. Each field rep is assigned to specific divisions and agencies, working directly to represent members. Representatives are innovative advocates whose central function is to protect members of the bargaining unit and uphold the union’s rights under the Collective Bargaining Agreement, applicable laws, rules and regulations. They accomplish this through a variety of means including negotiations, grievance handling, Taylor Law improper practice processing, organizing, and otherwise exercising their expert labor/management skills in achieving gains for PEF and its membership. Moreover, Field representatives are the focal point of the union’s service delivery system and are responsible for ensuring that problems identified by members or leaders which are not within their sphere of responsibility are communicated to the appropriate PEF Department. In delivering PEF resources as needed, they comply with all PEF policies as set forth by the Convention Delegates, President and Executive Board.

Performance evaluation appeal form

Find out who serves on your agency’s PEF Labor-Management Committee

How to schedule regional meetings

If you wish to hold a meeting at a PEF regional office, please click here for guidance on the process and click here for the form you must use to schedule the meeting. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Field Director who covers your region.

Call your Regional Office to find out your field representative

Or log in to the Members Only section of the PEF website and your field rep will be listed

Use this form to contact Field Services via email (Choose Statewide Field Services/Organizing in the dropdown menu)

PEF Staff Contact

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