Thanks in part to the relentless advocacy of unions like PEF, New York’s Workplace Violence Law was enacted on June 7, 2006. It mandated public employers develop prevention programs specific to their workplaces. It required the involvement of unions and management to develop Workplace Violence Prevention Programs to assess their risks, implement control measures, and provide annual training. We saw a decrease in violent incidents for a time, but 19 years later, as service populations have become more complex and potentially violent, assaults with devastating injuries are rising fast. It’s time for tougher standards.
These are the faces of public workers who were assaulted on the job. All they did that day was go to work. Shouldn’t they expect to come home healthy?
PEF calls for a 3-point job safety and security plan for State employees:
• Build capacity: New York must increase staffing at agencies that support at-risk New Yorkers!.
• Deploy technology: Install body scanners at OASAS, OCFS, OMH and OPWDD facilities to reduce the flow of weapons used to commit assaults.
• Increase accountability: Enhance penalties on individuals who willfully and knowingly assault State employees.
We have two surveys for members to take about workplace violence at their facilities. The first is short — just 7 yes/no questions — to gauge your level of knowledge about how to proceed in the event of an incident and what resources your employer should have available to you. Click here to take it.
The second survey is a little longer and is geared toward giving PEF a better understanding of safety in your particular workplace. PEF will use the results to target our advocacy as we work to make all New York State workplaces safer! Click here to take it.