TAKE A STAND AND JOIN COPE – the Committee On Political Education!
Your COPE contribution helps PEF advocate for Federal legislation, funding and policies that support union priorities:
- Quality public services at the federal, state and local levels;
- Fair labor and wage laws
- Healthy and safe workplaces
- Social Security, Medicare and pension protections and;
- Affordable, quality public education and healthcare, a clean environment and other issues important to PEF members and their families.
How are COPE contributions spent?
Voluntary COPE contributions are used to help PEF build political influence at the Federal level. The contributions are used to lobby for legislation that support public employees and protect the rights of workers
Contributions may also be used to support candidates that PEF has endorsed. Endorsements are debated and made by the PEF Executive Board with the advice and recommendations of its statewide and regional political action committees. PEF members serve on these political action committees that interview candidates and make their determinations based on voting records and positions on issues important to PEF members and working families.
Active PEF Members can sign up for COPE electronically by clicking here to log into the Member’s only section of this website. Once you’ve logged in with your Membership Identification Number, you will automatically return to this page and must click the lock icon in the menu navigation above where it says Member Access. Once there, scroll down and click the + next to COPE: Committee on Political Education to access the online application form or download a copy and follow the instructions to sign up for COPE.
Retired PEF Members can email COPE@pef.org and request a signup form to be emailed to them.