Rochester Pride Parade

Intersection of South Avenue & Science Parkway, Rochester, NY

The Rochester Pride parade attracts thousands of spectators and participants each year. It is a great opportunity for labor to show support for the LGBTQ+ Rochester Community. Members love to...

PEF Region 6 Family Picnic

Oriskany VFW , 7908 State Route 69; Oriskany, NY

Please join us for a family picnic! There will be concessions, inflatable obstacle course, games, giveaways, and a raffle for 2 cornhole sets! Date: Sunday, July 21 Time: 12 Noon...

PEF Division 208 Health & Safety Day

Greater Binghamton Health Center, 425 Robinson St. We will have tables set up behind Garvin by the Garden Courtyard entrance and in Parking Lot C

PEF Division 208 Members: We hope you can join us at our PEF Health & Safety Day on Monday, July 22. Here are the details: When: 6:00-8:30 a.m. & 3:00-4:30...

Division 357: Member Event Invite for Buildings 5 and 8

Building 5, G08 (the large training room on the ground floor)

Building 5 and 8 PS&T Employees: We are excited to invite you to a special lunch session hosted by PEF Division 357. This is a great opportunity to meet your...

PEF Region 8 – July PAC Meeting via Zoom

PEF Region 8 Members: We hope you are enjoying your Summer!   Please note the only Region 8 meeting this month is our PAC meeting on July 24. The same...

PEF Division 189 Membership Meeting

Back Nine Restaurant, 8752 Turin Rd., Rome, N.Y. 13440

CNY OPWDD Members: We are having a general membership meeting for all members on July 30 from 4:30-7:00 p.m. and invite you to join us. Here are the details: When:...

PEF Division 244 OPWDD General Membership Meeting

OPWDD-DDSO 750 Vandalia Ave., Brooklyn NY 11239

PEF Division 244 Members: Please join us on July 31 from 12:30pm-2:00pm, OPWDD-DDSO 750 Vandalia Ave., Brooklyn NY 11239 Room 157A and 157B  for a general membership meeting. Please click...

Region 6 Nurses and Nurse Practitioners Zoom Meeting

Please see Zoom details below to join this meeting: Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 988 4958 9044 Passcode: 921548 --- One tap mobile +16469313860,,98849589044#,,,,*921548# US +19292056099,,98849589044#,,,,*921548# US (New York)...

PEF DOL Statewide Meetings

PEF DOL Council Leaders: The statewide DOL Labor-Management and Health and Safety committees will meet on August 7th and August 8th . If you would like to submit agenda items,...