Stop Workplace ViolenceSign Our Petition

We, the undersigned, support the efforts of our union, the New York State Public Employees Federation, to bring an end to continued violence at state facilities operated by the Office of Mental Health (OMH), the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) and the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS).

The April 3, 2024, stabbings of three employees at the Buffalo Psychiatric Center were a vivid reminder of the dangerous working conditions that public employees face in these facilities.

In addition, the “Annual Report of NYS Government Employees’ Workers’ Compensation Claims from 2020-2023” clearly indicates how expensive these dangerous working conditions are.

Incidents Lost Days Worker’s Comp + Medical Costs
DOCCS 6,029 125,021 $24,242,927
OMH 2,555 61,444 $14,355,119
OPWDD 1,962 66,288 $13,746,772
OCFS 414 17,372 $13,746,772
Total 10,980 270,125 $56,012,286

Due to short staffing, OPWDD, DOCCS, OMH and OCFS also annually rank among the top State agencies paying overtime (>$14.2 million combined in 2022, per an OSC report).

We therefore petition New York State to:

(1) Establish Labor-Management Workplace Violence Prevention Committees at each agency which will meet monthly to identify and resolve issues;

(2) Immediately install metal detectors at each facility operated by these agencies;

(3) Screen patients, visitors, and vendors for weapons and contraband;

(4) Set up a process to review and rectify issues when there are conflicting clinical recommendations regarding appropriate care, custody and security for clients with violent tendencies or other mental health issues;

(5) Establish and enforce appropriate staffing ratios in facilities operated by these agencies.

PEF members deliver quality services to New York’s most at-risk individuals under trying circumstances and in dangerous settings. We look forward to collaborating with you to ensure that all New Yorkers can receive appropriate services, and that staff are adequately protected from assaults and abuse.

Sign Our Petition