End BullyingBad managers result in bad services for New Yorkers. As a union, we’ve seen how the most well-intentioned procedures and reforms meant to improve the delivery of public services don’t have the desired effect when implementation is left to incompetent managers. Working for a bully involves repeated and unreasonable actions intended to humiliate and otherwise demean employees.

On this page, we will share the stories of hard-working PEF members who have been intimidated, undermined and otherwise degraded while working for New York State. We have hidden their faces and masked their voices to protect them from retaliation by management.

If you have a toxic tale to share, please get in touch with us at Communicator@pef.org. We will work with you to share your story in the most sensitive way and promise to safeguard your identity. New York State workers have been silent for too long and we are determined to give them a voice! Together we can clean up the toxic work environments that are far too common inside New York State agencies!